Thursday, February 7, 2013

Halifax Day Care, An Insider's View. Introduction...

Hi Folks,

Do you ever wonder what your children are REALLY doing all day at day care while you are at work slaving over a hot computer? What exactly is going on in the day care world of Halifax? That's what this blog is all about -- the good AND the bad (I was going to say "not so good" but let's call a rotten apple for what it is. Believe me, there are some rotten apples out there.)

On this blog I will look at what Halifax child care is all about. There are more than a few horror stories, I have to tell you. I have compiled information on a whole lot of centers, with more info coming in daily. (I have my ways)

I have direct experience as a parent (I have two young daughters who have attended a number of centres). I have interviewed a bunch of Day Care Directors and Owners (for better and for worse). I have extensively toured more Haligonian day care centres than you can shake a stick at. I have worked as an ECE (Early Childhood Educator) at more than my share of them. I also have my spies. (I kid you not)

While all these centres have their licences and are inspected regularly, many get around these laws and inspections with ease. (It's not very hard.) I'll examine where, how, and why these places cut corners (it might have something to do with money and profit), the poor quality the schools do in educating ECEs, and shocking situations (play material, toys, playground equipment, screaming teachers, (inept administration) many children face every day.

Of course it is not all bad news. There are some good day care stories out there and I want to share them with you. I also want to hear from you. What have you experienced, good and bad? I expect to change a few minds, raise a few hackles, and enlighten parents on some of the ins and outs of the day care business.